I am very happy that some members of our community stepped into close cooperation with www.virtualizationmatrix.com.
This site is well known by broad technical community and used by many technical specialists to find the best match for their designs, use and adjustments of virtualized environments. All of that with an impartial technical look at each of those technologies.
Our experienced members were welcomed into a team working on significant enhancement of the capabilities following a simple objective – extend the coverage all over the virtualization technology landscape. I believe we can soon expect a brand new matrix that will be of even more help to all industry practitioners, consultants and fans. It will span most of currently existing solutions from the hypervizors of VMware, Microsoft, Citrix, Redhat, Oracle, through IBM Power technology to various products for backup, storage, network, performance & capacity management and security tools that may be used for the modern software defined data-center.
“All the variety of software will be structured with high level of detail and displayed in a holistic view for simpler decision making and interesting insights and reviews will be brought by TheVirtualist.org“
Keep on screening the space and you’ll find out more soon.
I’m looking forward to that.

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