Broadwell ESXi 6.0 Exception 14 PSOD and Lenovo support fail


You may already have heard about known issue with Intel Broadwell Family CPUs (Intel Xeon CPU E5-26xx v4 CPUs)  where you can hit Exception 14 PSOD if you are running older microcode. If not, you can read about it in kb2146388 From there you can clearly see you need to… Continue reading

VMware App Volumes Manager 2.11 – Install and Configure

App Volumes is a real-time application delivery solution accuired by VMware recently from CloudVolumes. Personally for me it is not just this, but much more and I will try to show how it can be used in different scenarios and pool designs. I will start with how to install and configure the… Continue reading

Remove and Re-Create Management Network (vmk0) VMkernel interface using ESXi Command line


As you may know, ESXi Management interface (aka vmk0) is created during installation. By default that interface will inherit MAC address of one of the physical NIC cards. Now, this is not a problem at all in most cases, but sometimes it can create problems. For example imagine a situation… Continue reading

Pool Side SSL with vCloud Air Load Banacer

Recently I had an interesting situation where a specific error message occurs where standard approach for Load Balancer was used This document is to explain how to complete HTTPS over vCloud Air Load Balancer throughout to Web servers using Pool Side SSL. Usually we use Load Balancer with the following configuration:… Continue reading