VMware App Volumes Manager 2.11 – Install and Configure

App Volumes is a real-time application delivery solution accuired by VMware recently from CloudVolumes. Personally for me it is not just this, but much more and I will try to show how it can be used in different scenarios and pool designs. I will start with how to install and configure the… Continue reading

Remove and Re-Create Management Network (vmk0) VMkernel interface using ESXi Command line


As you may know, ESXi Management interface (aka vmk0) is created during installation. By default that interface will inherit MAC address of one of the physical NIC cards. Now, this is not a problem at all in most cases, but sometimes it can create problems. For example imagine a situation… Continue reading

Pool Side SSL with vCloud Air Load Banacer

Recently I had an interesting situation where a specific error message occurs where standard approach for Load Balancer was used This document is to explain how to complete HTTPS over vCloud Air Load Balancer throughout to Web servers using Pool Side SSL. Usually we use Load Balancer with the following configuration:… Continue reading

IBM/Lenovo Networking and security issue using Easy Connect mode!


A couple of months ago, after a migration from our legacy vSphere environment into our brand new vSphere based on IBM/Lenovo Flex Systems environment. Some of the our VMs stopped or were randomly responding on the network. My networking team discovered those VMs have duplicate MAC addressees with another VMs.… Continue reading

Fixed: Cross vCenter vMotion with shared storage bug

I’m in the middle of the project where I need to split up my environment into two vCenters so I decided to update part of it to vSphere 6.0 to ease up my work and operations tasks later on. I do have a stretched infrastructure across the datacenters including storage… Continue reading

Cross site vMotion, Default Gateway and TCP/IP stacks

Possibility of cross vCenter vMotion is quite popular among customers. But the thing is that most of the times the vCenters, or the environments managed by those vCenters, are in different sites or locations. This simply means they do not share same vMotion network. Which means vMotion traffic needs to… Continue reading