Hello to all fans of virtualization technologies, I have prepared short overview of vCloud Connector solution and how it works with vCloud Air. Same can be used to move or copy workload between OnPrem vCenter and vCloud Director, or between two vCenters or two vCloud directors. Connection that is established between the Nodes is secured and encrypted and can pass over the internet.
The presentation is divided in two parts. Part 1 – Installation and Configuration of vCloud Connector, Part 2 – Functions and Troubleshooting
In this guide I will show you how to install and configure vCloud Connector.
Let’s start with downloading of vCloud Connector (vCC) you need to have My VMware account to download the Node and the Server from Here
Once downloaded extract them and deploy OVF to your datacenter, in my lab I am using DHCP to provide the VMs with IP and using Thin provisioning to save some storage, IP and storage policy depends on your internal procedures.
Leave this blank if you want to use DHCP
Once VMs are deployed and powered on we can start with configuration:
Configuration can be split in 4 sections:
- Configure vCC server registration with vSphere
- Configure vCC node and register it with vCenter server
- Configure vCC Server and register nodes
- Configure vCenter Plugin for work
Configure vCC server registration with vSphere Client
Logon vCC server config page https://<vCCServer>:5480 Default user name and password: Admin/vmware. Check network configuration tab, if you need to use proxy for internet access you can configure proxy settings from there. To connect the vCC Server to your vCenter go to Server tab -> vSphere Client:
Provide your vCenter IP or FQDN address and required credentials for access
Click Register
To Confirm successful registration go to your vCenter client -> Home you will see in Solutions and Applications section Icon vCloud Connector , clicking on it you will be taken to not yet configured vCloud Connector Add-on
By this, the Step 1 is complete
Configure vCC node and register it with vCenter server
To configure the node log on https://<NodeIP>:5480 Default admin/vmware, check and confirm network section, if needed add proxy to access internet from the node. To configure the node you need to register it to desired solution currently there are two main options available:
vSphere vCenter server or vCloud Director – for more details on supported versions check here
In my demo I will connect the node to vCenter server
Go To the node tab under Cloud Registration add your vCenter IP or FQDN, tick Ignore SSL Cert and click on Update configuration you will see message in Green Cloud Registration updated:
If you have vCloud director in your environment and you want to move workloads between current registered vCenter and your vCloud Director you will have to install another Node server. For the purpose of this registration I will use vCloud Air as a second node – the Node is preconfigured there and do not need any specific configuration it.
This concludes the Part 1
In Part 2 I will show you how the process goes as well some basic troubleshooting steps that can help you to identify the point of failure.
Configure vCC Server and register nodes
In this step we need to register the nodes into vCloud Connector Server. Logon vCC server config page https://<vCCServer>:5480 under the nodes tab. We need to register the vCenter Node and vCloud Air node. Click on Register Node
Display name: Local node
Node URL: https://<Node_IP>
Leave Public and use proxy unselected
Tick Ignore SSL Certificate
Under Credentials section
Provide user name and password for your vCenter Server
Confirm Registration and if successful you will see added Node into the list
To add the second node from the vCloud Air we need to gather additional information:
In this Demo I there are two cloud environments Multitenant and Disaster recovery enabled cloud. I will add them both for the purpose of demonstration.
Logging to vCloud Air
Go to the Dashboard and select Cloud Provider Address
Grab needed details and update https://pXvY-vcd.vchs.vmware.com with the following address https://pXvY-vccmt.vchs.vmware.com both would work however it is recommended to use vCC node name in the example I am not changing the name
Organization Name: M267276419-XYZX
Then Register the node to vCloud Connector Server:
Display name: Remote node VPC
Node URL: https://pXvY-vccmt.vchs.vmware.com:8443 – Where X and Y are the Pod and VPC you of your environment and port is preconfigured to be 8443
As well port 443 needs to be open the same way
Tick Public
Leave use proxy unselected
Tick Ignore SSL Certificate
Under Credentials section
Select Vcloud Director
Provide the VCD Org Name:
Provide Credentials for vCloud Air
Confirm Registration and you will see registered another node into vCC Server
I registered same way third node pointing to DRaaS cloud
This complete step 3 of the configuration
Configure vCenter Plugin for work
The last step of your configuration we need to add the registered nodes to the managing vCenter
Go to vCenter UI, open vCloud Connector select Clouds and add them one by one providing needed credentials:
Click on
add the Local node with credentials for vCenter
Add again the vCloud Air nodes with needed credentials
Once completed the registered nodes will be displayed on the left:
Right click on then and select Reload:
The VMs and templates will be loaded on the right
With this we completed registration and configuration of vCC Node and Server and they are ready go.

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Hello Kalin,
post installing vCC, I’m not able to view the information in the server tab. When I select the Server tab, it is showing nothing. Can you please let me know what would be the issue?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Kalin,
It was a browser issue, works fine with IE
Can you please help me …how to integrate V cloud air 2.0 into VROPS 6.4. Do you have any screenshots?
Thanks in advance .