Hello fans of virtualization. I have prepared series of documents in which I’m going to show you how to prepare your NetApp storage and create either NFS or iSCSI datastores on the storage side for your vSphere platform. I’m going to cover the following topics – Create vFiler, create volume, create iSCSI LUN and at the end I will show you how to create a snap mirror for your volumes in case you want to have volume replication for your DR solution. In part one we are going to cover how to create new vFiler on you NetApp storage.
Let’s start with the prerequisites for your vFiler. In order to create NetApp vFiler you have to have created VLAN tag and subnet allocation (usually /24) for your igroup. So ask your network team to prepare them for you on the switch.
Then follow the instructions bellow:
1. Connect to the command line interface of the physical filer via SSH
2. Log in as root
3. Create a new root volume, with a size of 1GB for the new vFiler:
vol create VOLNAME AGGRNAME 1g
VOLNAME is the name of the volume to create (for example CUST_rootvol)
AGGRNAME is the name of the aggregate on which you create the volume (usually aggr0).
1g is the size of the volume.
4. Add the VLAN number (obtained from your network team) to the vif interface with the command:
vlan add vif2 VLANNUMBER
5. Create an IP Address Space to be used for the vFiler:
IPSPACE_NAME is the name given to the ipspace, in the format of CUST_ipspace
INTERFACE_NAME is the interface to assign to the ipspace, in this case it should be the virtual interface created in step 4. The name is in format vif2-VLANNUMBER, for example if a VLAN id of 1234 was created in step 4 the INTERFACE_NAME would be vif2-1234
6. Create the new vfiler:
VFILER_NAME is the name of the vFiler, using the format CUST_vfiler01
IPSPACE_NAME is the name the ipspace created on step 7
IPADDRESS is the IP Address to assign to the vfiler
VOLPATH is the volume path created in step 3. This is the full volume path /vol/VOLNAME
You will now need to answer the following questions:
Configure vfiler IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX? [y]: Answer yes
Interface to assign this address to {}: Enter the INTERFACE_NAME
Netmask to use: []: Enter netmask or accept default
Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host: Leave Blank
Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]: Depends if you have DNS server or not
Do you want to run NIS client? [n]: Answer N
Default password for root on vfiler “”.
New password: Assign a root password
Retype new password: Assign a root password
Do you want to setup CIFS? [y]: Depends on requirements choose Y or N. Note that if CIFS is required for this vfiler, it can be performed later, thus answer N at this point.
The next step is to ensure the physical filers startup script (/etc/rc) is updated for the new configuration.
- Edit the /etc/rc file
- Append the new VLAN number to the line that begins with vlan create vif2
- Add a new line to create the interface:
ifconfig vif2-VLAN_NUMBER `hostname`-vif2-VLAN_NUMBER netmask mtusize 9000 partner vif2-VLAN
Where VLAN_NUMBER is the new VLAN you have added
4. Add an entry to the /etc/hosts file of the form:
IP_ADDRESS is the ip address assigned to the new vlan interface
STORAGE_NAME is the name of your storage processor
VLAN_NUMBER is the new VLAN tag.
The last step is to make sure the same configuration is present on the partner filer (the second node of your storage). Do the following on the other filer:
Append to /etc/rc of the secondary node
vlan create vif2 VLAN_NUMBER ifconfig vif2-VLAN_NUMBER mtusize 9000 partner vif2-VLAN
Run the following commands on the secondary storage node:
vlan add vif2 VLAN_NUMBER ipspace create IPSPACE_NAME vif2-VLAN_NUMBER
That`s all, now you have your vFiler ready to operate! 🙂

Georgi Petrov

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- Part1 | NetApp – Create new vFiler - December 1, 2014
all of your post always helped me and boost my confidence in working with vmware and other virtual platforms
Hello Asif,
Thanks for your comment. We are glad we are abele to help.