Automating (NSX-T) REST API using Ansible URI module

In this post I provide several examples of how Ansible URI module can be used to automate REST API, and specifically VMware NSX-T REST API. Continue reading
In this post I provide several examples of how Ansible URI module can be used to automate REST API, and specifically VMware NSX-T REST API. Continue reading
A Quick Reference on how to create a Security Policy with Firewall Rules using NSX-T Policy API. Continue reading
I was doing some testing, and honestly, I got annoyed about NSX-T WEB UI kicking me out of my session after 30 minutes of idle time. So, I got curious, what if someone wants to change this value to a longer one, or may be to a shorter one for security reasons? How can the timeout value be changed? Continue reading
Some Background The fact that you have ended up reading this Blog Post, most probably means you are very aware of what the Policy API is, how cool and flexible it is, how you can use a declarative approach to define things and just run one API call to create… Continue reading
OK, this post will be a simple one. All I want to show is the exact API code with the body you can send to NSX manager to create Network Segments (aka Logical Switches). This information is, of course, available in the NSX-T API guide but to be absolutely honest,… Continue reading
As you may already know, after deployment of NSX-T Manager, users are stuck with a single built-in admin user. This might be OK for a lab environment, but in any size of production deployment this is major limitation/problem. In order to have some sort of RBAC, NSX-T Manager requires usage… Continue reading