Long time expected is becoming reality today: WhatMatrix® launched for production after tens and hundreds hours of hard work spent by volunteering experts of virtualization – and 4 of them also The Virtualists – Roman, Jan, Dusan and Gica. And this is materializing into a new ‘crowd-sourced consultancy’ service www.whatmatrix.com.
This is not the end, just the beginning and any of you can become a community member and a contributor into this innovative project helping all the others with information currency and keeping track over changes in our broadening area of IT virtualization, HCI, SDS and more to come soon.
Each professional can now benefit from tons of already structured and matched information helping decide for the best solution for the customer needs as the comparison is already done by the experts in the field.
Want to know more? The list of information sources where to hear about this project is broadening:
- today’s press release! http://bit.ly/1MeKdlo
- Marek Bell’s article on TheStack: http://bit.ly/1ZaxVUp
- video with Scott D. Lowe from ActualTechMedia: http://bit.ly/1m4Ojal

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